I wonder what percent of USA citizens would agree that these are sixteen primary reasons Donald J. Trump won a second term as POTUS. Maybe…
Why Donald J. Trump
Posted in Patriotism, and Politics
Commentary on the Facets of Life, Usually Based on Personal Experience, Data, and Logic.
Posted in Patriotism, and Politics
I wonder what percent of USA citizens would agree that these are sixteen primary reasons Donald J. Trump won a second term as POTUS. Maybe…
Posted in Uncategorized
The fundamental issue that divides “conservatives” from “liberals” in the United States is size of the federal government. The pure conservative believes that it should…
Posted in Economics
Two years ago I posted what I considered Vital Signs for the long term economic health of the US. It focused on total outgo vs.…
Posted in Economics, Government, and National Debt
Having been facing some medical issues for the past couple of years, I am very familiar with the declaration, “I’m going to check your vitals.”…
Posted in Uncategorized
Tonsillectomies I have clear memories of having my tonsils removed at age 5 or 6 in the 1940’s. It was standard procedure for children at…
Posted in National Defense
This post is a revision and updating of one originally done March 7, 2012, on a former blog. June 28, 2010, I had done a…
Posted in Politicians, and Politics
Introductory Comment This post is based largely on A Thinking Person’s Candidate published by me in an earlier blog on 1/24/2016, seven years ago. The…
Posted in Uncategorized
I remember seeing an Apple Macintosh computer on display somewhere in Columbia, SC, in 1984 or 1985 and being amazed at the point and click…
Posted in Uncategorized
Below are a couple of charts, thanks to this website, that make a strong case for ignoring long term market trends while investing, constantly and…
Posted in Uncategorized
I enjoy newsletter, Thoughts from the Frontline, by John Mauldin. For December 5th, he wrote about our widening wealth gap and the discontent of “elites”…